קונצרט המחלקה לכלי נשיפה ונקישה

קונצרט המחלקה לכלי נשיפה ונקישה
الإثنين, 30 ابريل 2012, 22:00
إضافة إلى التقويم
אולם 231, בניין האקדמיה

תלמידי המחלקה לכלי נשיפה וכלי נקישה


1. Henri Dutilleux
Sonatine  for flute and piano
Yael Tevet, flute/ Pazit Gal, pianist/ Yossi Arnheim, teacher

2. Joseph Haydn
Concerto in C Major for oboe and Piano
Allegro Spiritoso
Arielle Alvarez-Pereyre/Pazit Gal, Pianist/Dudu Carmel, teacher

3. Toru Takemitsu
“Itinerant” for flute solo
Anat Nazrati, flute  Yossi Arnheim, teacher

4.Ludwig Milde
 Tarantela op. for bassoon and piano
Luis Felipe Gomez, bassoon, Pazit Gal, piano,  Mauricio Paez, teacher

5.C.P.E. Bach
 Concerto for flute in D minor
 Un poco andante – Allegro di molto
Rotem Bartan, flute  Pazit Gal, piano,  Yossi Arnheim, teacher

6.Francois Devienne
  Sonata in F Major for bassoon and piano, op.24, No.3
    Allegro – Largo – Rondeau (Allegreto)

7. J.W.Kalliwoda
   JOSUE CORDERO, Oboe  Pazit Gal, piano, Dudu Carmel, Teacher

8. J.F. Fasch
   Sonata in C Major for bassoon and continuo
   Largo – Allegro
   Luis Felipe Gomez, bassoon  Isaac Leyva, continuo  Mauricio Paez, teacher