יום רביעי, 27 נובמבר 2013, 12:45הוסף ללוח שנהiCalendar Outlook Google Yahoo סטודיו חסיה, בניין האקדמיהבהשתתפות: Thomas F. DeFrantz is Professor of Dance at Duke University, and President of the Society of Dance History Scholars, an international organization that advances the field of dance studies through research, publication, performance, and outreach to audiences across the arts, humanities, and social sciences. בתכנית: 27.11.13 בשעה 10:45 בסטודיו חסיה: DancePolitics: Race, Identity, and Global Performance Race and Identity Politics continue to inspire and divide artists and audiences As artists circulate work created in local contexts, where race and identity convey particular ideologies, nuanced details of relationship collapse. How do audiences in local communities come to appreciate touring dances that conceive of race and identity differently than the artists who perform for them? What happens when political ideologies of race and identity collide from artist to audience 28.11.13 בשעה 11 בבוקר בסטודיו חסיה: Afrofuturist Remains: Black Dance and Mobilization African American dance influences contemporary and relational performance in ever-widening arcs. How is it that dances of a small portion of the United States population have a consistently huge impact on global circulations of dance theater? This presentation considers the recovery of African American social dances by contemporary stage artists, and the distance between the generators and inheritors of these dance traditions English