פורום מנצחים עם סטנלי ספרבר ופורום תיאורטיקנים עם פרופ' דניאל יודקובסקי

פורום מנצחים עם סטנלי ספרבר ופורום תיאורטיקנים עם פרופ' דניאל יודקובסקי
יום שני, 30 דצמבר 2013, 16:00
הוסף ללוח שנה
אולם 231

פרופ' סטנלי ספרבר
פרופ' דניאל יודקובסקי

Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 1971.  
He studied musical composition with Alejandro Iglesias Rossi and Gabriel Valverde at the CEAMC (Center for Advanced Studies in Contemporary Music) where he graduated with a Master in Musical Composition. He also graduated with a Magister in Musical Didactica (CAECE University).
Obtained the Argentine Music National Tribune Prize (2000 & 2004) and the Argentine National Electroacustic Music Tribune Prize (2003), granted by the Argentine Music Council.
His works have been broadcasted in different international radios (Radio France, BBC Radio, SRG-SSR Idée Suisse Radio, NHK-Tokio, RTHK, Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation, Societe Radio Canada-CBC, Danmarks National Radio, UNAM Radio México, etc.) and performed in different concert halls (Buenos Aires Colon Theatre, Witold Lutoslawski-National Polish Radio Hall, Kaunas Philarmonic Hall, Hong Kong Concert Hall, etc.).  
He currently teaches at the Electronic Arts and Music Departament of the National University at Tres de Febrero (Untref), in Buenos Aires. He is a member of the Orchestra of Indigenous Instruments and New Technologies, conducted by Alejandro Iglesias Rossi.
His works are an intent of materializing the search of the confluent points between his jewish and his latin-american beings, by exploring in it´s roots and richness. His piece "Afar" (1995-97), recommended at the UNESCO International Rostrum of Composers 2000, was written after participating in the rescue groups at the terrorist´s attacks to the Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires and the Argentine Israeli  Mutual Association. “The infinite exile”, granted with the First Pirze for the “Fundacion Destellos Acousmatic Music Pirze 2013”, is a funeral chant, written in memorial to his ancestors murdered in Auschwitz Camp. In Genesis and transfiguration, the sound of the Shofar and the pre-columbian music manifestations, like the mapuche Nguillatún and the Huayno, converge with its great emphasis. His last piece, “The Times of the Abyss”, a meditation about the Exile viewed by the  Chassidic Tradition.


מפגש לתלמידי הקומפוזיציה עם המלחין הארגנטינאי פרופ' דניאל יודקובסקי.
ובמקביל: מפגש לתלמידי הניצוח עם פרופ' סטנלי ספרבר - על האורטוריה "המשיח" של הנדל. הכנת היצירה לביצוע מלימוד הפרטיטורה ועד החזרה הראשונה.