יום עיון בנושא קונפליקטים במחול

יום עיון בנושא קונפליקטים במחול
יום חמישי, 25 יולי 2019, 12:00
הוסף ללוח שנה
בניין האקדמיה

Satellite Day at the JAMD: Conflicts in Dance

Organizers: Vered Aviv and Sari Elron, MA Studies in Dance program

9.00-9.15– Informal gathering and morning coffee, Lobby  

9.15-9.25– Welcoming address – Vered Aviv, Hila Covrigaro-Pinhasi . Hall A

9.25-9.55–Tamar Arieli – Conflicts and Prospects of Cooperation. Hall A

10.00-11.00           Lectures and 3 parallel sessions at Halls A, B and C


Hall A

10.00-10.25 - Amit Abrahams – Mental Imagery in Dance: Potential and Challenges

10.25-10.45 - Hila Covrigaro-Pinhasi – Dance Education in Israel: Uniqueness, Conflicts

and Innovation

10.45-11.00 - Roni Zohar - Dance your PhD


Hall B

10.00-10.20- Galia Tsur - Are we human or are we dancers?The conflict between the body's anatomy and the artistic demands of dance.

10.20-10.40 –Ronit Ronen Tamir - Conflicts in the Dance Realm: Dance Education or Education through Dance

10.40-11.00 - Rachelle Tsachor - Embodying the Mind:  Somatics as a Foundation for

Dance Techniques


Hall C

10.00-10.20- Michal Shahak - Physical somatic images vs emotional images as a platform for a somatic experience and improvised dance

10.20-10.40- Milca Leon-Bridging the dichotomy between feeling and thinking in choreography teaching

10.40-11.00- Anat Shamgar - Composition in real-time


11.00-11. 15 – Coffee break, Lobby

11.15 – 12.00   Round table discussion: Conflicts in dance as a growth engine. Hall A

12.00- 12.10 – mini break


12.10-14.20 -  Workshops

12.15-14.15 - Erik Franklin –Dynamic Neuro-Cognitive Imagery (“The Franklin Method”) for Improving Dance Technique and Performance Skills.The Afik Studio (third floor)

12.10-13.10 - Martha Eddy – Body-mind dancing as an intersection for two conflicts: Technique vs improvisation and beginning vs advanced skill levels. Hall C

13.20-14.20 - Talia B. Shafir - Walkabout - Choreographing the Internal Landscape. 

The Navon Hall (building)


14.15-15.00 – Lunch, Lobby

15.00-16.00 – A performance and artist talk:

Yasmeen Godder and Tomer Damsky in Demonstrate Restraint, Afik studio (third floor) 


[email protected]

Workshops Registration >

Lecturer's Bio's >