Academic Calendar 2024-25*

Academic Calendar 2024-25*

Opening of the Academic Year - October 27, 2024

(Opening of the Academic Year Ceremony - October 29, 2024 ,1 pm)

Hanukkah Break - December 29, 2024, JAMD building will close at 7 pm

End of Semester 1 - January 26, 2025

End of Semester Exams in Major Subject - January 27 - February 2, 2025

End of Semester Exams in Theoretical Subjects - February 3-27, 2025

Start of Semester 2 March 2, 2025

Fast of Esther​ March 13, 2025, JAMD building will close at 7 pm

Purim and Shushan Purim Break March 14-16, 2025, JAMD building will be closed

Passover Break - April 7-19, 2025

Session 1 Entrance Exams - April 7-9, 2025

Eve of Holocaust Memorial Day - April 23, 2025, Classes will end at 7 pm

Eve of IDF Memorial Day April 29, 2025, Classes will end at 4 pm, JAMD building will close at 7 pm

Memorial Day & Independence Day Break April 29 - May 12025. On Memorial Day, the building will close at 2 pm. On Independence Day the building is closed

Shavuot Break - June 1-22025

End of Semester 2 - June 26, 2024

Graduation Ceremony - June 30, 2025

End of Year Exams in Major Subject - June 29 - July 24, 2025

End of Year Exams in Theoretical Subjects - Starting on July 14, 2025

Session 2 Entrance Exams - 14-24 July, 2025

Tisha B'Av Fast - August 3, 2025, JAMD building will be closed

Session 3 Entrance Exams - 7-18 September, 2025

Opening of 2025-26 academic year - Sunday, October 19, 2025


* The Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance reserves the right to make changes to this schedule