Requirements / Rights: International students /Students whose mother tongue is not Hebrew

Requirements / Rights: International students /Students whose mother tongue is not Hebrew

Students who wish to receive accommodations for exams (extra time, use of a dictionary) - should contact Ms. Orly Atias, Director of the Student Support Center, by email: in order to receive approval for the requested accommodations.

Undergraduate (bachelor)

Courses in English

Courses in Hebrew with adjusments


It is mandatory to study 2 content courses in English during the bachelor's degree (training courses for exemption level can be recognized in this matter)

The main language of instruction is Hebrew; papers can be submitted in English In coordination with the lecturer (the lecturer is not obligated to accept papers in English)

Israeli students whose native language is not Hebrew or who have not studied in the Israeli/state education system

It is mandatory to study 2 content courses in English during the bachelor's degree (training courses for exemption level can be recognized in this matter)

The main language of instruction is Hebrew; papers can be submitted in English In coordination with the lecturer (the lecturer is not obligated to accept papers in English)

International Students for Full Degrees

Exchange students can participate in courses that are taught in English

The main language of instruction is Hebrew; papers can be submitted in English In coordination with the lecturer

International Students in Exchange Programs


Undergraduate (bachelor) - continued


Required Hebrew Level

Required English Level

Built-in adjustments


Studies are in Hebrew

Reaching the "exemptionlevel by the end of the second year. English language studies are integrated into the curiculum starting from the first year, students must pass an external examination to determine their level of English

Students will get 25% extra time during exams; it is possible to answer questions in exams/submit papers in English In coordination with the lecturer; Students can use a dictionary

Israeli students whose native language is not Hebrew or who have not studied in the Israeli/state education system

Studies are in Hebrew

Exemption level in English under the rules and regulations of the Council of Higher Education for International Students, or taking an extenral examination to detemine level in order to reach exemption by the second year

Students will get 25% extra time during exams; it is possible to answer questions in exams/submit papers in English In coordination with the lecturer; Students can use a dictionary

International Students for Full Degrees

Hebrew is not required

B1 English level is required, studies are in Hebrew

Students will get 25% extra time during exams; it is possible to answer questions in exams/submit papers in English In coordination with the lecturer; Students can use a dictionary

International Students in Exchange Programs


 Graduate (Master)


Courses in English

Courses in Hebrew with adjusments


A small percentage of elective courses are offered for students.


Israeli students whose native language is not Hebrew or who have not studied in the Israeli/state education system

A small percentage of elective courses are offered for students.


International Students for Full Degrees

A small percentage of elective courses are offered for students.


International Students in Exchange Programs


Graduate (Master) - continued 


Required Hebrew Level

Required English Level

Built-in adjusments


Studies are mostly in Hebrew; Hebrew is not mandatory uppon admission.

Exmeption level, as required uppon graduation of the Bachelor degree.

A small percentage of the mandatory courses are taught in English; In the event that a mandatory course is taught in Hebrew, an individual solution will be found for the student; it is possible to answer questions in exams/submit papers in English in coordination with the lecturer; Students can use a dictionary during an exam

Israeli students whose native language is not Hebrew or who have not studied in the Israeli/state education system

Studies are mostly in Hebrew; Hebrew is not mandatory uppon admission.

Exmeption level, as required uppon graduation of the Bachelor degree.

A small percentage of the mandatory courses are taught in English; In the event that a mandatory course is taught in Hebrew, an individual solution will be found for the student; it is possible to answer questions in exams/submit papers in English in coordination with the lecturer; Students can use a dictionary during an exam

International Students for Full Degrees

Studies are mostly in Hebrew; Hebrew is not mandatory uppon admission.

B1 English level is required, studies are mostly in Hebrew, elective courses in English are offered

A small percentage of the mandatory courses are taught in English; In the event that a mandatory course is taught in Hebrew, an individual solution will be found for the student; it is possible to answer questions in exams/submit papers in English in coordination with the lecturer; Students can use a dictionary during an exam

International Students in Exchange Programs