The Yitzhak Navon Community & Youth Unit

The Yitzhak Navon Community & Youth Unit

Unit Director - Ms.Shoham Peled
The Project Founders - Dr. Michael Klinghoffer & Ms. Anna Shapira


The Yitzchak Navon Community Unit seeks to share the wonderful offerings of JAMD with the wider community around us, in Jerusalem and beyond. We want to bring music and dance to places that need better access to the arts.

We go wherever we are invited and work with people of all ages and backgrounds: young children, youth at risk, the elderly and Holocaust survivors.
Alongside our regular activities in Jerusalem and throughout the country, the Community Unit holds special events and performances at no charge that bring JAMD students together with the public. These events are publicized on the JAMD website.

We invite you to take part in our ongoing activities and our annual productions.

Write to us at: [email protected]

The Integrative Orchestra "Amen": 



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