Apply to the Joint PhD Composition Program at JAMD and the Hebrew University

Apply to the Joint PhD Composition Program at JAMD and the Hebrew University

For application submit the required documents (as listed in the attached document - see below) before June 1, 2025 to:

Terms of admission 

The following are the prerequisites for admission into the program. Candidates’ dossier should include the following items:

  1. A copy of their degree certificate (Master in Composition, or M. Mus)
  2. Full transcripts of undergraduate and graduate degrees, with a minimum grade average of 90 (or A-).
  3. A portfolio of compositions that includes scores and recordings of at least three pieces written during the applicant’s M. Mus studies or thereafter. One of the pieces may be electronic.
  4. A sample academic writing, which may comprise a seminar paper, or any other type of research document written in the course of the applicant’s Master’s degree (at least 2000 words).
  5. A vision statement of up to 1500 words, detailing the applicant’s research interests, ideas about composition, aesthetic principles and future plans with regard to the PhD program.
  6. Two letters of recommendation from academics/artists, who are familiar with the applicant’s creative and learning process and their creative work. These letters should present an evaluation of the candidate’s artistic and research abilities in the context of a PhD program. Applicants should submit the names and email addresses of the two recommenders.

Candidates who meet the threshold conditions and found suitable will be invited for an interview with the admission committee of the program. In the interview the candidates are asked to present a twenty minutes presentation, introducing their work, their compositional process, and the proposed research as it relates to their compositional activity.

The final decision on admission to the program is in the hands of the Arts Committee of the Authority for Research and Development at the Hebrew University, with the participation of a representative of the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance.