JAMD inaugurates a music library from the estate of Maestro Gary Bertini

JAMD inaugurates a music library from the estate of Maestro Gary Bertini

At the beginning of June 2012, in a room added on to the JAMD library, the inauguration of a collection of music from the estate of Gary Bertini took place. Most of the collection consists of a large number of scores, a few of which include performance instructions written in Gary Bertini’s hand, among those scores being those from which he conducted his unique performances of Mahler symphonies. In addition to these scores, the estate includes orchestra parts with bowing indications and Gary Bertini’s markings, as well as recordings of concerts he had conducted. The entire collection is not for lending, but can be perused in the room where it is housed. At the opening ceremony, attended by Mrs. Bertini and Gary Bertini’s daughter, taking place together with the meeting of the JAMD’s Board of Governors, Mrs. Michal Smoira Cohen and the head of the Academy Professor Ilan Schul both addressed those present.
Conductor, composer, violinist, pianist, teacher and educator Gary Bertini was a driving force behind the Academy; he developed- and served as musical director of the New Israeli Opera, founded the Rinat Choir and the Chamber Ensemble, the latter later becoming the Israel Chamber Orchestra. Maestro Bertini also served as conductor and musical director for many overseas orchestras. As a conductor, he encouraged the commissioning of new works and conducted many premieres of works by Israeli composers; he also composed music for tens of theatre performances in Israel. Gary Bertini was the recipient of many prizes and awards, among them the Israel Prize of 1978 for his life’s work in music.
In 2002, the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance awarded Gary Bertini the honor of Esteemed Colleague for his “high artistic quality, for the establishment of excellent performing ensembles, his significant contribution to Israel’s cultural- and artistic life and for his outstanding international achievements.