Composition, Conducting & Music Education Faculty

Composition, Conducting & Music Education Faculty

International Conference: Giuseppe Sarti and Late Eighteenth-Century Italian Opera

The Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance, Campus Givat-Ram, 91904, Jerusalem, Israel, March 3-4 2015

The opera production is accompanied by an international conference that features 13 lectures by invited speakers who are the prominent scholars in the field of Italian opera and operas by Sarti, their dramaturgy and musical style, reception, editing and performance.




The Academy’s new Center of Technology

Last year a new technological center was opened at the Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance. It was established with the assistance of the Ted Arison Family Foundation, Wolf and Ruth Lesser, the Bracha Foundation and the Planning and Budgeting Committee.  The center, located in the the New Wing, is headed by Prof. Amnon Wolman.  It includes a sophisticated recording studio, a general computer laboratory, a computer and multimedia laboratory, as well as rooms for private work.
