Cross-Disciplinary Forum with Dr. Stephen Horenstein

Cross-Disciplinary Forum with Dr. Stephen Horenstein
Monday, 14 January 2013, 12:00
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Hall 231

 Dr. Stephen Horenstein -Born, USA; Immigrated to Israel in 1980. Horenstein’s works (ensemble, orchestra, soloist, electronics) performed & recorded worldwide.  Many works incorporate Jewish sound sources. 
Education, Trinity College (B.A.); University of Wisconsin (M.M. composition); PhD, Hebrew University.  Taught at Bennington College (1973-‘80). Tel Aviv University, Brandeis University (USA); Residencies: Stanford University; Middlebury College, SUNY, etc. Grants: National Endowment for the Arts, Mandel Foundation, Covenant Foundation, Weizmann Institute of Science.   Research: Music and the Perception of Time; Education for Youth at Risk; Music and School Milieu (Israel Ministry of Education and Hebrew University).
Founder-Director Jerusalem Institute of Contemporary Music (1987-present).   Faculty member, Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance.


By Any Means Necessary - My Approach to Composition