c.Music skills – music theory and aural training
Written examination:
1.Pitch and notation (keys, notes, bars).
2.Identification of different types of interval – perfect, major, augmented, diminished – descending and ascending and their inversions –consonant and dissonant,within an octave.
3.Single voice, diatonic dictation, in major and minor scales, with accidentals.
4.Measures and rhythms of different kinds.
5.Identification of triads (major, minor, diminished, augmented) and their inversions.Identification of major seventh chord diminished (dominant seventh chord) in all inversions.
6. Transformation.
7. Basic music terms (dynamic, tempo, articulation, form, texture, etc).
Verbal examination:
1. Singing and identification of:
a. Basic melodic intervals, ascending and descending.
b. Four kinds of triads and dominant seventh chords in all their inversions.
c. Different kinds of major and minor scales.
2.Sight reading a line of diatonic melody.
3.Basic familiarity with the keyboard.
4.Aspects of rhythm:Identification and performance of rhythm combinations based on division, addition
and subtraction of note length as follows:
a.Division of the beat into two, four (sub-division) and three (trioles).
b.Connections between beats and/or semi-beats that result from the divisions noted in section a.
c.Subtraction (replacement of note lengths by intervals)Subtraction of rhythmic beats and/or semi-
beats that result from connection.
d.Basic binary and trinary measures:2/8, 2/4, 3/8, 3/4, and complex measures:4/4 and 6/8.