"Tedarim" Program Requirements

"Tedarim" Program Requirements

A. Materials to be submitted by all applicants:

  • Registration Form
  • Curriculum Vitae and photo
  • Copies of Academic Diplomas
  • Audio or audio-visual material demonstrating the candidate's current level of performance skills
  • A statement about the candidate's motivation, personal expectations and goals.
  • a minimum grade of 90 for the candidate's Major Bachelors' degree subject.
  • a minimum average grade of at least 85 for all other Bachelors' degree courses and subjects.

Audio/audio-visual material to be submitted (optional by e-mail)  by July 31, 2024.

B. Performers' admission :

  • Audio/audio-visual material to be submitted (optional by e-mail)  by July 31, 2024​​.
  • Program :
  • One major work from the baroque/classical/romantic repertoire of the applicant's choice
  • One work written after 1970
  • Program:
    • One major work from the baroque/classical/romantic repertoire of the applicant's choice (may be the same as in the 1st stage)
    • One work written after 1970

C. Conductors'  admission:

  • ​Audio/audio-visual material to be submitted (optional by e-mail)  by July 31, 2024​​.
  • Program: One work written after 1945

D. Composers'  admission:

  • ​Composition Portfolio (Recordings: optional) to be submitted by July 31, 2024​​.
  • For Electronic Music Composion:  An original patch in Max/MSP that shows basic competence in musical programming & Composition Portfolio (Recordings: optional), consists of at least two electronic or electro-acoustic works by July 31, 2024​​.
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