Repertoire Requirements for Graduate Recitals in the David Gritz Department for String Instruments

Repertoire Requirements for Graduate Recitals in the David Gritz Department for String Instruments
  • Recital duration: 60 minutes

Violin, Viola, Cello, Double Bass, Classical Guitar and Mandolin

1st Year

The repertoire should include:
1. Bach- Suite, Partita or Sonata (selected movements are acceptable as well) or another pre-classical piece of the same difficulty level
2. Concerto- all movements must be performed
3. Israeli Piece (could be replaced, upon consultation with the head of the department, with a 20th or 21st century piece)
4. A piece of the student’s choice (chamber music pieces are also acceptable)

2nd Year

The students will present a diverse program that demonstrates their musical taste as well as their stylistic preferences, in consultation with and approval of their main teacher.
1st year’s recital requirements may be used as a guideline.


M.Mus 1st and 2nd Years
The recital will include at least five stylistically diverse works, or – alternatively, create a sixty minute program. One piece can be an arrangement of a song or an arrangement of a classical piece done by the examinee, or a piece composed by the examinee. A request may be submitted to include additional arrangement by the examinee in the program.
At least one of the works should be from the following list of works*. Alternatively, it is possible to put together a program that does not include works from the list. It is recommended that the repertoire being played has an idea that unites it into a coherent program, in which the works relate to each other and create a clear structure for the complete recital.
A list of works from which at least one should be selected for recitals for harp only:
Chamber music:
Ravel, Maurice: Introduction and Allegro
Ravel, Maurice: Sonatine, arr. For flute, cello and harp by Carlos Salzedo
Debussy, Claude: Sonata for flute, viola and harp
Saint-Saens, Camille: Fantasy for violin and harp
Bach, Johann Sebastian: one of the sonatas for flute and harpsichord
Concertante works for harp and orchestra (or harp and choir):
Debussy, Claude: Danse sacrée et danse profane, for harp and strings
Ginastera, Alberto: Harp concerto
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus: Flute and Harp Concerto
Gliere,Reinhold: Harp concerto
Handel, George Frideric: Harp concerto
Boieldieu, François Adrien: Harp concerto
Kaminsky, Joseph: Ballade for harp and small orchestra
Britten ,Benjamin: A ceremony of Carols for harp and choir
Israeli works:
Ben- Haim, Paul: Poem for harp solo
Ben-Haim, Paul: Chamber music, for flute, viola and harp
Natra, Sergio: Sonatina
Maáyani, Ami: Maqamat
Brener, Uri: Northern wind
Tal, Joseph: Dispute
Lewensohn, Gideon: Four postludes for viola and harp, or trombone and harp
20th century works:
Patterson, Paul: Spiders
Hindemith, Paul: Sonata for harp
Tournier, Marcel: Sonatine
Tournier, Marcel:Étude de concert ‘Au matin
Prokofiev, Sergei:Prelude in C, Op. 12 No. 7
Britten, Benjamin: Suite for harp
Tailleferre, Germaine:  Sonata for harp
Debussy, Claude:Clair de Lune
Debussy, Claude: Arabesque (1st or 2nd)
Roussel, Albert: Impromptu, Op. 21
Works from the Romantic period:
Carlos, Salzedo: Ballade, Op.28
Carlos, Salzedo: Variations sur un thème dans le style ancien, Op.30
Fauré, Gabriel: Impromptu, Op. 86
Fauré, Gabriel: Une Châtelaineensa tour
Smetana, Bedřich: Moldau
Spohr, Louis: Fantasie, Op.35
Saint-Saens, Camille: Fantasy
Walter Küne, Ekaterina: Fantaisie sur un Théme de l’Opera “Eugene Onegin” par Peter Tchaikovsky
Grandjany, Marcel: Theme Haydn and variations
Grandjany, Marcel:La source
Hasselmans, Alphonse: La source, Op.44
Hasselmans, Alphonse: Ballade
Hasselmans, Alphonse: Barcarolle pour la harpe, Op.7
Hasselmans, Alphonse: Valse de concert, Op.4
Zabel, Alfred: La Source (The Fountain)
Glinka, Mikhail: Variations on a theme of Mozart
Glinka, Mikhail:Nocturne
Godefriod, Felix: Etude de Concert
Renié, Henriette:Ballade fantastique
Renié, Henriette:Danse des lutins
Renié, Henriette:Légende
Works from the Baroque period:
Bach, Carl Phillip Emanuel: Sonata for harp
Bach, Johann Sebastian: Any harpsichord partita or suite
Scarlatti, Domenico: Any sonata
Pescetti, Giovanni Battista: Sonata for harp
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